From the first elves in Middle-earth, to Beren and Lúthien, to Isildur — Aragorn has quite the extensive family tree in Lord ...
Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy is very rewatchable, especially certain grandiose moments and a few more subtle ...
Liv Tyler's justification finally swayed fans on Peter Jackson's decision to cut down Arwen's battle sequence during the ...
A devoted fan reimagined Aragorn's coronation as a medieval manuscript ... A devoted Lord of the Rings fan has reimagined one of the story’s most iconic moments in the style of an authentic ...
The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum announcement came with a statement from Andy Serkis, who provided the ...
The Nazgûl were once the bearers of the Nine Rings of Men. With the additional powers from Sauron's rings, they became ...
How a scene in Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring still terrifies audiences today even though it features the two most wholesome characters. Some fans suggest that Aragorn's statement may ...
After rewatching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it’s easy to wish that there was more to the story. Sure, the books offer a lot more detail in terms of story and character than the films have ...
In The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn and Galadriel represent two of Middle-earth's most legendary figures. These heroes are now joining their 7" action figure line with impressive sculpts and ...
Gondor’s absence during this catastrophe left Théoden bitter, and fans have long debated whether his anger was justified or if Gondor had legitimate reasons for not intervening. The fall of the ...