Let’s get back to the drawing board for this one. Here are 10 common English expressions and phrases that relate to art, ...
At the National Gallery of Art, 'Little Beasts' pairs nearly 75 artworks with around 60 objects from the National Museum of ...
In this photo essay from Nehru Centre in Mumbai, we showcase a range of artworks and creator insights from the India Art ...
Zoom in. Bharti Kher’s works are dotted with meaning. And every bindi represents her connection to India and the spiritual ...
Created as a hub for Asian art, the fair is succeeding at drawing more galleries and works from India and other parts of Asia ...
Magic, art or science? Film photography blurs the lines between these categories and creates permanent images from nothing ...
Start your spring with a visit to these six refreshing art exhibitions happening in Kansas City, featuring the works of award-winning artists from around the region.
Ms Ashman said: "It's about addressing these ignored histories, or stories which are attached to how an object was collected ...
Joker Stardust,' on display March 27-30, started as a critique of consumerism inspired by the 1980s but eventually morphed ...
Art History, once a staple in every college humanities curriculum, is now seen as elitist and futile. With Donald Trump back ...
Copyright grants intellectual property protection to original works, giving their owners exclusive rights to reproduce, sell, ...
Norwell residents Rick and Laura Brown have brought their dedication to restoration, rebuilding, education and art to an ...