It was through a letter dated March 30, 1579 that Giovanni Arduino announced the four orders that form the basis of ...
The earthquake has killed over 1,600 people in Myanmar and Thailand while leaving at least 2,300 injured - the death toll is expected to rise further as rescuers continue to search the rubble ...
As KwaZulu-Natal faces severe weather challenges, the responsibilities of employers towards their employees come into ...
Myanmar has witnessed six strong quakes of 7.0 magnitude or more, which struck between 1930 and 1956 near the Sagaing Fault.
In large-scale, immaterial site-specific installations, she uses light and sound, void and reflection as core ...
Doubleview Gold's drilling results hint at copper porphyry potential, but uncertainties in deposit size make it a high-risk venture.
Amid mounting global health concerns about PFAS, communities living along the waterway must grapple with how contamination is ...
The basic idea is to convert electrical ... with pilot projects lined up in Spain with small-scale versions already operating in the UK. · Just-In-Time Energy offers an optimized LAES process ...
Canada currently generates some 650 million tonnes of geological waste each year from its mines ... helping the mining ...
Ruprecht received his doctoral degree in geological sciences from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2009. His dissertation explored the time and length scale of magma mixing ... however a basic ...