But the one thing I absolutely can’t stand is the never-ending anxiety that comes with taking a shower in my residence hall bathroom.
Respect. That is truly the only solution for the Tragedy of the Commons. Respect for the custodians. Respect for the space.
a first-year student whose dorm room is right beside the showers in CapU’s Cypress Hall. When Postmedia News toured the shower rooms Thursday, there were tiles broken off the wall, revealing ...
Tiles are broken, caulking is black, walls are discoloured, and a mushroom grew for so long that it was nicknamed by Capilano University students.
Gov. Tony Evers toured Chadbourne Residence Hall and the Mosse Humanities Building Thursday, emphasizing the priorities of ...
Returning student selection is approaching quickly and has already arrived for others. Students can choose rooms for next ...
Administrators, alumni, and the Haskell Foundation work to minimize damage after mass federal layoffs at Haskell Indian ...
"What I’ll try to do is I’ll try to start cutting myself some slack. And you should, too, because for each no we’ll be up ...
“We are currently in the process of remodeling a second-floor office into a dorm room,” Csire said. “There’s an existing bathroom outside the office/dorm, which will be part of her dorm ...
Mall culture is alive and well in Southern California, but Mission Viejo's Kaleidoscope — complete with broken elevators, ...
A classic for a reason. Here, you have guaranteed visual privacy, as well as the convenient instant cleansing of the tears ...