‘For many people with ADHD, myself included, food becomes a source of dopamine and it’s easy to fall into disordered eating with the binge/restrict cycle being directly linked to this ...
By the time I got to college, my relationship with food and my body had become a toxic cycle of self-abuse that utilized the tools of starvation, binge eating, body obsession, and compulsive exercise.
This cycle strengthens fear around "bad" foods ... binge and purge behavior is gradually increasing the time between binge eating and purging. Treatment professionals define binge eating as ...
Within this overall process, the eating disorders have only recently received serious research interest. The inclusion of nonpurging binge eating as an illness is a natural extension of this ...
Promoting a binge-and-burn cycle harms women’s relationship ... Brands jumping onto this pressure further normalise the horrific cycle of eating and burning, but they also make money by selling ...
It is like a chicken-and-egg situation when it comes to mental health and eating disorders. Does poor mental health condition lead to eating disorder? Or does an eating disorder cause hormonal changes ...
By changing her focus like this, she lost 36 kgs without feeling deprived. She realized that she does not need to starve herself or eliminate the foods she loves, just maintain a sustainable plan.
New research shows that people with eating disorders are more harshly judged than those suffering from depression, making it much harder for them to seek treatment.
Patients taking a commonly used stimulant for the treatment of binge eating disorder experienced mixed results, according to Rutgers Health researchers. Binge eating disorder is the most common ...