I’ve never been a big fan of the post-apocalypse, and I can take or leave open world games, so Rebellion’s Atomfall was never ...
But all is not well at Castle Ravenloft. To survive the twisted enigmas of Strahd and his haunted home, the adventurers must confront the dark secrets in their own hearts and find a way to shift ...
Curse of Strand is a Dungeons & Dragons campaign featuring Count Strahd von Zarovich, the vampire lord of Barovia, as its ...
This longbow was forged form the remnants of Stanislav the Silver's shield, found near the wreckage of Castle Ravenloft some years ago. The Hellrider Longbow is a Uncommon Two-Handed +1 Longbow ...
Two new Dungeons & Dragons novels are releasing in the coming months, starting off with Ravenloft: Heir of Strahd on May 13. Written by Delilah S. Dawson, author of the NYT bestseller Star Wars ...