She started by aiming to do one pull-up, which took her a year of strength training to achieve. MacColl set herself an achievable goal and was consistent with her workouts. At 73, Ginny MacColl ...
SrdjanPav/Getty Images A recent CDC report builds on existing evidence showing the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine for preventing cervical cancer. While HPV is commonly associated with females ...
Skipping your Pap? A major gyno-no. The rate of timely cervical screenings in the United States and abroad has declined in recent years — and that’s a red flag. Cervical cancer often shows no ...
Kennedy Jr., is preventing cervical cancer in young women. The report comes after Kennedy pledged to give a family member any fees he might earn from HPV vaccine litigation. In a 2019 video posted ...
The vast majority of people -- more than 90% -- with pain from cervical disc disease will get better on their own over time with simple, conservative treatments. Surgery, however, may help if ...
Objective—To determine whether protective headgear reduced the incidence of concussion in a pilot study of under 15 rugby union. Methods—Sixteen under 15 rugby union teams were recruited from three ...
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Background: There is a continuing debate about the performance of protective headgear in rugby union, rugby league, and Australian rules football. Objectives: To examine the impact energy attenuation ...
Your doctor might decide to do a cervical biopsy while you’re undergoing a colposcopy. This happens if the exam finds abnormal cells, polyps, inflammation, or genital warts. Your doctor will ...
Two things can be true at once: Sleeper sofas are a feat of engineering, and they can be the bane of your existence. It’s a marvel to fit a bulky piece of furniture inside another, equally bulky ...