Greenlanders in recent years have been embracing pre-Christian Inuit traditions like drum dancing or getting Inuit tattoos.
These messengers were called missionaries. This post will investigate Christian missionaries through the ages, with the focus being on how the Gospel message of Jesus spread from Jerusalem ...
Events that occurred this week in Christian history include the founding of the Woman s Foreign Missionary Society, the ...
A Christian charity has distributed almost 4 million dresses to girls living in poverty abroad through a campaign that ...
A Minnesota woman has been charged with the murder of her husband in the southern African nation of Angola last year while the couple and their five children were there on a Christian missionary ...
SEOUL: The unification ministry on Friday (March 14) called for the immediate and unconditional release of three South Korean missionaries ... the three South Korean Christian missionaries.
By linking arms with local churches and Christian organizations around the world, Hope Rises International works to enhance early detection and the effectiveness of treatments, erase the pain and ...
SOMERSET, Ky. (KT) — “God’s Mission and Ours” is the theme for Grace Baptist Church’s missions conference March 23-26.