Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic and legendary items are on sale and whether any are worth ...
Destiny 2's annual Guardian Games event has returned ... will drop alongside the new trace rifle as typical loot. All of the previous armor sets will be available from the Eververse shop for ...
who has returned with a new inventory of gear for Destiny 2 players. Follow this guide for his current weekend location, news on his exotic cipher quest, as well as a review of all the exotic and ...
Several armor issues have been addressed, including fixes for Hunter's Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, Radiant Dance Machines, Shards of Galanor, Titan's No Backup Plans and Khepri's Horn. Weapon adjustments ...
As for Sea of Thieves, that crossover is live as well. No, the Guardians aren’t taking to the high seas. Instead, they’ll be represented in cosmetics with Hunter, Warlock, and Titan-themed ships.
For those looking to trace back the short but deep history of Destiny 2 ... armor also came alongside the Salvation’s Edge raid and a final confrontation with The Witness in the Excision mission ...
Tess Everis runs Destiny 2’s Eververse store ... the game may not sell a set of armor ornaments piecemeal for Bright Dust this episode. Still, plenty of old goodies from the last episode ...
Veterans will remember that in 2021, the beloved Particle Deconstruction armor mod made linear fusion rifles ... Makes sense, considering Bungie just added the Lodestar trace rifle to Destiny 2. And ...
Destiny 2’s Eververse Team has promised that an upcoming update will finally bring back a fan-favorite Warlock cosmetic ...
Destiny 2 Heresy Act 2 is set to begin very ... there will also be snazzy new armor for each of the three classes Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. They look absolutely gorgeous, and you will be able ...
A yearly event open to all Destiny ... armor sets, one for Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks, can be purchased through the Eververse store for Bright Dust, earned in-game, or Destiny 2’s premium ...