After 8:55 AM today, sun enters Makara rashi. Date: Today is January 14 ... Moon is in Karka rasi. Sun is in Dhanu rasi.
Additional Information: The above panchang is generated for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. To change the date and place, go to panchang Dakshinayan, Shishir (Winter) rithu, Sunrise 07:11 AM, Sunset 05:47 PM.
To change the date and place, go to panchang Dakshinayan, Shishir (Winter) rithu, Sunrise 07:13 AM, Sunset 05:52 PM. Moon is in Meena rasi. Sun is in Dhanu rasi. Next Purnima is 7 days away.
To change the date and place, go to panchang Dakshinayan, Shishir (Winter) rithu, Sunrise 07:08 AM, Sunset 05:43 PM. Moon is in Kanya rasi. Sun is in Dhanu rasi. Next Amavasya is 7 days away.
Marriage Prediction: Married Life, Mangal dosha & Remedies.
Police recovered the bodies of three people from the River Dhanu in Khaliajuri upazila of Netrokona on Monday afternoon. The bodies were recovered at about 3:00pm from the Ashalia Ghat area near ...
Marriage Prediction: Married Life, Mangal dosha & Remedies.
Marriage Prediction: Married Life, Mangal dosha & Remedies.
Marriage Prediction: Married Life, Mangal dosha & Remedies.
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