One of Griaule’s most famous (and controversial) claims was our ostensible knowledge of Sirius B, the companion star to ...
But there is one memory that stands out more than most: being told the story of Sigui, the greatest ceremony and one of the most revered traditions of my people, the Dogon of central Mali.
One Pokemon fan details how they created a Pikachu figure out of wood, revealing the steps necessary to carve the ...
Gengar and Murkrow, a pair of classic Pokemon, get wooden makeovers thanks to the impressive carving skills of one talented ...
Welcome to the Holston Mountain Artisan’s woodworking club, a group of community members of all ages who have carved out a ...
Researchers working in Marbella have uncovered a gabbro rock carving of manmade lines that could date to 200,000 years ago.
A gallery described as the most decorative in Europe has been repaired and restored by conservators after six months of work.
Roosevelt carved the continent into the American-aligned West and the Soviet-dominated East, creating spheres of influence that became the battlegrounds of the Cold War. But talking to reporters ...