The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will not reconsider its denial to investigate whether the Tijuana River Estuary ...
After calls for action by Imperial Beach Mayor Paloma Aguirre, the EPA announced it will get involved and help fight the ...
At first, the Imperial Beach mayor was refused a Superfund site designation. Now, the EPA is promising to take the problems ...
Fire crews have been working to put out the remaining hot spots and safely demolish the building. Fire Chief Brian Daake said there is no public health threat.
The EPA plan will be presented at a public meeting from 6-8 p.m., Monday, April 7 at the Pascagoula Senior Center, 1912 Live ...
U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks wants to reverse a phased ban on TCE, a cancer-causing chemical found in consumer products ...
The EPA is reversing its decision on the Tijuana River sewage crisis, promising stronger action at the highest level.
This web article explores the impact of the federal government's decision to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency's ...
In December, the EPA announced a phased ban of a cancer-causing chemical that can persist in groundwater. Iowa’s 1st District ...
ATLANTA — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the cleanup of Atlanta’s Lindsay Street Park area in the English ...
The EPA's letter denied Aguirre's request to the new leader of the EPA, in which she asked him to reconsider designating the ...
President Trump has appointed Wyoming native Cyrus Western to be the administrator for EPA Region 8. Western, a Republican, ...