Abula is a nutritious indigenous delicacy of the Western Nigerians, the Yorubas. This mouth-watering cuisine is a product of the combination of gbegiri and ewedu soups. Best eaten with amala, abula is ...
People are only now learning how disposable wooden spoons are made, and it's making people never want to use them ever again. A woman named Vanda Miss JoQueen took to TikTok share how after ...
Sarah Burris is a long-time veteran of political campaigns, having worked as a fundraiser and media director across the United States. She transitioned into reporting while working for Rock the ...
Eba or Amala with Ewedu and Protein (Fish/Meat): this traditional meal is rich in fiber, iron, and protein. You can customize your swallow to what's popular in your region. You can choose tuwo if ...
Silver spoons for the dining table have been around since antiquity - a much longer history than the table fork, which did not come into general use until the 18 th century. By this time spoons had ...
Actually, he's making his point known by taking space as the middle spoon between Mom and her boyfriend, and it's too funny. If this isn't the most child-like behavior a dog could ever do, I don't ...
These kitchen helpers may have a little something extra that you don't want. (Getty) ...
(CNS): As part of its ongoing proactive fight against crime, police found a stolen jet ski and two motorcycles at the government’s affordable housing site in West Bay last Wednesday. District and ...
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