It is each student’s responsibility to meet all course and work requirements that are set by their instructors and supervisors. In the event that a student feels that they are too ill to fulfill ...
Kentucky Women's Head Coach Kenny Brooks came through with the perfect excuse for students to skip class or work.
A retiring Palm Beach County high school English teacher spells out challenges of lowered expectations in today's classroom.
Rancho Cucamonga High School in Southern California removed its mirrors from the student restrooms because of vandalism. A ...
We recently shared these stories from BuzzFeed Community members who rage-quit their toxic new jobs upon clocking just how ...
Why has fighting and opposing Trump proved so hard? It’s not just because Republicans hold all the cards in government.
A lecturer from one of the universities in the country has gone viral after angrily confronting a student during a lecture ...
‘Sent by a young man to his mother in which he enthusiastically describes the opulence and magnificence of the Titanic, this ...
The letter details his experience aboard the ship and his love for his family, highlighting the tragedy of his untimely death ...
PackersNews columnist Pete Dougherty spent Wednesday answering reader questions during the Green Bay Packers’ offseason.
Team strengths: "Our strength will be our pitching and team speed," Lowery said. "We have three solid pitchers with Garrett, ...