The diffusion of technology means U.S. military superiority must come not just from the weapons it has but also from how it ...
A thousand feet beneath the desert, the United States conducts experiments to verify that its weapons work. But some fear a ...
There are eight countries around the world that are known to have nuclear weapons, and there are fears that Iran could join ...
The U.S. has 5,580 nuclear weapons, and Russia has a stockpile of 5,044, according to the Federation of American Scientists. How many nuclear weapons exist in the stockpiles of the world's three ...
The controversial idea of using transporters as weapons challenges the boundaries of Federation technology in the franchise. While an intriguing concept, the transporter's lethal potential is a ...
Unlike other advanced weapons systems in America’s arsenal—especially unlike other hypersonic weapons—the Mako is relatively affordable.
Since 1987, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published the Nuclear Notebook, an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals compiled by top experts from the Federation of American ...
U.S. President Donald Trump’s order to build an American version of the Iron Dome to shield the U.S. from aerial attacks will deter China and Russia from coercing the U.S. using nuclear weapons but ...