Cleary explained: “Pests are an unavoidable part of gardening, but there are plenty of ways to protect your plants, and your ...
There are a few common plants that are likely to attract pests into your garden - but an expert says there's no need to get ...
If you want to grow bigger hydrangea flowers this year, there are a few plants you should consider growing in your garden to ...
Pests are often part of a garden's eco-system, but they can also wreak havoc with plants - caterpillars included. But three plants could fend them off entirely ...
It’s that time of year again, when the ground thaws, the days stretch a little longer and gardens begin to wake up. But along ...
GARDENERS' World star Monty Don has warned that the wrong amount of food for your garden plants could be harmful, and has ...
Plant-eating insects are an unwelcome guest in most gardens, but there are five common plants that may keep them at bay, ...
Spring means slug season, and we’re all feeling a little wary about these garden pests getting to our prize plants. Luckily, ...
Slugs are omnivorous meaning they eat both other plants and ... does not always deter the pesky garden pests. Another favourite for slugs are hosta plants which have colourful flowers and ...
Are you tired of those pesky critters munching on your plants? It’s time to ditch the harmful chemicals and embrace organic ...
Rodents like mice, rats, voles, and squirrels can cause damage to gardens by chewing on plants, eating seeds, burrowing in ...
Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is a versatile vegetable—it's a beautiful addition to a garden and a tasty ...