Debate over gas stove health risks continues as studies link emissions to asthma. Proper ventilation can reduce exposure, GAO ...
Changing from gas to climate-friendly electric appliances often involves expensive retrofits. A growing list of companies ...
Changing from gas to climate-friendly electric appliances often involves expensive retrofits. A growing list of companies ...
The committee also chastised railways for failing to progressively switch over from gas burners to electric power equipment ...
Gas stoves are known for lots of things, one of which is being more difficult to clean than the average electric stove. This ...
The Committee on Public Accounts has pulled up railways for overlooking several of its recommendations pertaining to issues ranging from food hygiene, cooking safety, to establishing new base kitchens ...
If you're still using a gas stove in your kitchen, a new study suggests you should make the switch to a trendy alternative.
In its 115th report (17th Lok Sabha) on "Catering Service in Indian Railways," the committee said it did not accept the ...