Germany unveils a revolutionary air-derived fuel—methanol. Discover how it reduces CO2, powers ships, and could save internal ...
"It will be the future federal government's job to continue investing in the transformation", said Germany's outgoing Green vice-chancellor, Robert Habeck.
Germany's Green Party, founded in 1980 with an environmentalist and pacifist platform, is now a coalition partner in the federal government.
Germany’s previous coalition government could not agree on necessary measures to achieve the binding national 2030 climate targets and a number of political issues were left unresolved.
Despite suffering a significant setback in the recent federal election, Germany's Greens have helped push through a major spending package to boost infrastructure, defense and climate protection.
The Hamburg terminal operator expects an increase in container transport and demand for port services.
A deal to send Canadian green hydrogen exports to Germany is awaiting Ottawa's final decision on funding and a verdict from ...
Germany's top utility RWE said on Wednesday it has agreed to supply France's TotalEnergies with around 30,000 tonnes of green hydrogen a year from 2030, in one of the sector's biggest deals so far.