Sullivan Elementary remembers Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller’s teacher, and Aldo Leopold Community School is named after the so-named conservationist and University of Wisconsin professor.
She had 4 siblings Margeret (Peggy), Helen (Johnnie), George Andrew and Frederic Joseph Keller, all attended Harrison County High School. The Keller’s raised their 5 children on the Family Farm ...
Commercial property on Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence sold for $5,840,000. A Narragansett home on Ocean Road sold for $3 ...
where he later opened his own school, training teachers of the deaf. Bell continued his work with deaf people, including deaf and blind educator and writer Helen Keller, whom he connected with her ...
Now one of “The World’s 100 Most Important Places,” according to Time Magazine, it’s open for tours and nightly stargazing.
The village expects to close soon on the six-story Helen Keller office building for $8.7 million to turn it into Village Hall, Mayor Waylyn Hobbs Jr. announced Monday.