In I’ll Have It Here ... to silence the people whose country India very much is. There’s one arresting sentence in this poem: Why measure time with words when words are met with violence?
These days, Alissa Quart’s attention has broken into strange shapes. But she has found a reprieve in one thing: poetry.
There were occasional readings at Tulane ... as they do in “Turned Earth,” of poems that are looking more outward. I'll just mention one thing in terms of my day. When I hang up with you ...
“If you can come up with a phrase that sticks, you’ve got a winner there ... Usually I’ll just scribble down some words until something comes together.” The tone of the poem is up ...
I spent way too much time there in high school ... ballroom upstairs and the creak of the floorboards. Goodbye, Merc, I’ll miss you forever. Adds Richard: Honestly, one of the few great places ...
As part of NASA's International Art and Poetry Contest, McCauley's students ... was printed out and send it back to me in the mail, so I'll get a piece of paper that was orbiting the Earth ...
"I'll never forget it. I just cried ... winning three Pulitzer Prizess — twice for poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. Sandburg died in 1967, and Congress authorized the ...
Burns wrote this poem during the winter of 1785-6, which was included in the Kilmarnock edition of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786). It employs the Spenserian Stanza, which was ...