The (first) person speaking had an almost criminally squeaky-clean voice, akin to just about any character 30 Rock vet Jack McBrayer has ... Is The No-Eyes Man Real Or A Manifestation Of Tai's ...
Naturalists were exploring these subterranean lakes in the Al-Hoota cave in 1980 when they discovered a white, eyeless fish. It was a species new to science, but when other scientists later ...
Scientists found an eyeless river creature with a “visible ... Aspen Pflughoeft covers real-time news for McClatchy. She is a graduate of Minerva University where she studied communications ...
Phoenix Pictures has set Jack Huston to direct the upcoming feature film Joseph Merrick, revolving around the individual ...
Jack Huston, known for his acting work in Boardwalk Empire and American Hustle, has come aboard to direct a biopic centered ...