Latter-day Saint Emily Jensen explores what messages are sent in the faith's new essay on "Women's Service and Leadership in ...
Women are second-class citizens in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, guest columnist Emily W. Jensen concludes ...
If Jesus really loves me, why is he allowing a narcissistic con-artist president to throw the world into chaos on a whim?
The papal preacher urged cardinals and senior officials of the Roman Curia to remain firmly anchored in Christ through lives ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
I carefully lift the sacred sacrament bread to my lips, and drink from the sacrament cup. I feel peace and light: renewal. In ...
I will be privileged to lead a six-mile procession from All Souls Church in Alhambra to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the ...
A: The answer to this question would depend on exactly what you mean by “a difficult relationship” or even the term “the ...
“That lit a fire under me,” the 29-year-old said. “I was passionate about what I was learning, and it brought me great ...
Two recent images related to the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple were excellent visuals that herald the colossal project’s ...
George Foreman was an American former professional boxer, the 76-year old competed for 30 years between 1967 to 1997. During his younger days, Big George was ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, explained one of the expressions of reverence Catholics make in church — ...