Covid was a privatized pandemic. It is this technocratic, privatized model that is its lasting legacy and that will define ...
It has been five years since the world was blown into the tumult of a lethal pandemic. Back then, deserted streets and ...
With a bit of preparation ahead of winter’s fury, you’ll be safer, warmer and happier at home and on the road with these 17 ...
The ecological view of health has its antecedents in the sanitarian vision of the nineteenth century reformers, as with John Snow (1813–1858) removing the pump handle in London’s Broad Street to ...
Chief among them was Jon Snow (Kit Harrington), the bastard son of Eddard Stark (Sean Bean), who relinquishes his comfortable life with his family to serve on the Wall as part of the Night’s Watch.
FARGO — Although snow depth has not been very impressive this winter, the process of the winter snow melting has been on display this week. With March still to go, it can be assumed there will ...
FARGO — So far this winter, the official Fargo snow tally is 19.8 inches. Last winter's total was 17.5 inches. Grand Forks has a total of 22.6 inches this winter to date and got 29.2 inches a ...
Tonje had been productive before arriving, but to reach national stardom, he had to adapt — and then adapt again when stardom ...
And if the pump falls over, rubber bumpers at either end of the handle will protect your hardwood floors. Assuming the Zilch pump reaches production, a pledge of US$95 will get you one. The ...
Terry got stuck up in the mountains a few days ago, and after a rescue mission in the middle of the night, his car was left behind. Now we're back to get it out and hopefully get it moving again.
NORMAN — John Mateer surveyed the room as he sat Wednesday morning for his introductory press conference as a Sooner. “That’s a lot of cameras,” Mateer said. More than two dozen of them.