S ome see Joshua Tree as just another desert landscape, but others swear it is a spiritual vortex with an energy unlike ...
If you do hire a climbing guide, make sure that they are permitted to work in Joshua Tree National Park. Each guide is required to have rock guiding certifications through the Professional ...
If you have extra time, Rock Climbing is worthwhile. Climbers flock to Joshua Tree from around the world to tackle the literally thousands of routes open to them. There are challenges for all ...
Camping at Joshua Tree National Park is a fantastic way ... first-served campground nestled within one of the park’s most popular rock-climbing areas. With just 44 campsites, it fills up quickly ...
The flag was hung on Intersection Rock, a massive rock formation south ... to garner support for a larger protest taking place at Joshua Tree and other national parks on Saturday.
In some shots, it almost looked like Joshua Tree ... exploration of Rock City. There was plenty of ambitious hiking to be done, but our time was spent scampering and climbing and touching ...