A babysitter looked under a bed to reassure a worried child that there wasn't a monster hiding there — and came face-to-face ...
A babysitter in Kansas makes a chilling discovery after checking for 'monster' under child's bed, authorities say.
My sister-in-law, “Kate,” is very protective of my 8-year-old nephew, “Adam,” to the point that she still sometimes treats ...
Monica Stott, 37, has become a fan of mini breaks - also known as extreme day trips (EDTs). These short and sweet holidays ...
That’s why I’ve been dreaming of this Amazon tiny home, which features the cutest front porch, where I can enjoy my coffee ...
Cambridge University Hospitals Trust is reviewing 800 patients treated by the same surgeon. Of these, 700 are children who ...
The miniseries, centered on the case of a 13-year-old accused murderer named Jamie, promised to pull no punches — and it ...
Open Streets, An event that encourages families to get outside together while promoting health and wellness, is happening on ...
Alexandra Hildebrandt, a 66-year-old from Germany, told TODAY that she had no problems getting pregnant for a 10th time ...
The extent of a regional Queensland pedophile’s depravity and “evil fantasies” were laid bare in court when the Snapchat ...
Alex and Kathryn Hein of Lakefield, Minnesota, are suing the Clubhouse Hotel & Suites in Sioux Falls after their son died ...