Hover-lander hybrid airship to provision Earth's unreachable points It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to connect ...
AT² Aerospace was spun out of Lockheed Martin to commercialize Skunk Works’ hybrid airship technology. Credit: AT² Aerospace With would-be operator Straightline Aviation placing a $50 million ...
Dirigible – synonymous with an airship, it is any lighter-than-air craft that is powered and steerable; from the French verb diriger, “to steer” * Blimp – a powered, steerable, lighter ...
After hours: 14 March at 19:57:36 GMT-4 Loading Chart for AISP ...
A React Native module for Airship's iOS and Android SDK.