The good news of this story is that God's Love for you is not based on your good behavior. You can go to God dirty. He will clean you with His Mercy. There is a beautiful story about a Christian ...
A Nigerian lady based in Italy shared how her father travelled to the country without him knowing. She shared how she planned ...
Country star Chris Janson leans on his faith when he's not performing onstage, telling Fox News Digital he "finds God" when ...
Preaching for Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C, Rev. Stephen Tully complicates the story of the prodigal son ...
“Never Give Up,” which came out at the beginning of March, contains the same drive to survive, just aimed at the music ...
It means: Run to meet those who are wounded, and ashamed, and hurt and who want to come home. Open your arms to someone who wants to start over. It means: Know the value of the second chance. Believe ...
The spiritual life is an arduous task. God cloths himself in mystery and so the process of discerning his will and knowing ...
Chapter 2:18 high lights two important facts. First, Samuel ministered before the Lord while wearing a linen ephod. It was simple apron or loincloth worn by these priests attending to the sacred ...
GBH's Sarah Betancourt recently sat down with Lucas Dos Santos Amaral following her reporting on the detention in January.
"As we journey through Lent, a traditional season of spiritual self-examination ... it is a very good time to ask ourselves, where do we stand with God?" says Dr. Gary ...
A new film about the life of the iconic actor – staring Industry's Harry Lawtey in the lead role – is coming soon to UK ...
James Keane's book Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes highlights "50 Writers, Thinkers, and Firebrands" whose ...