Teeth from sharks and rays can be used to study their diet, but one of the biggest challenges in shark science is collecting ...
OUTER BANKS, N.C. — A dream came true for a number of fishermen on Saturday, catching a great white shark from the shore in ...
A monster pregnant tiger shark that was caught in drumlines off North Stradbroke Island has been rescued and released back to sea after washing up barely alive on the beach. The 4m shark washed ...
Tiger sharks can grow up to 18 feet long and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. They are one of the largest shark species. Tiger sharks usually live in shallow, coastal waters, according to Oceana ...
It eventually spit the camera out, most likely realizing it wasn't edible. Tiger sharks are some of the largest sharks, with some growing up to 18 feet long, according to the Florida Museum.
Fun fact: Tiger sharks are some of the largest sharks and can grow up to 18 feet long, according to the Florida Museum. They’re among the “big three”, second behind great whites in the ...