Despite efforts to mitigate the issue, two additional oil seeps were discovered in January 2025 along a bedrock outcropping ...
Thousands of gallons of oil are gone from the East River, but no one knows how much is left—or where it’s leaking from.
A Colorado regulator wins approval for an oil-spill cleanup order that the biggest independent owner of wells in the state ...
The request by State Sen. Steven J. Santarsiero and State Rep. Perry S. Warren said Sunoco likely failed to detect multiple ...
Two years after lawmakers created a $10 million program to address leaking wells in rural counties, none of the money has ...
Most drivers don’t understand the purpose of the light. It’s not to tell you that your coolant or oil is low. It has to do with emissions ...
"If you're talking about the oil and gas industry, you can find gas leaks, you can find crude oil leaks ... but also be able ...
Residents in Upper Makefield Township are calling for answers and a speedier response from Energy Transfer in the aftermath of its pipeline leak that tainted water with jet fuel in six private wells ...
I drive less than 3,000 miles a year. The recommendation is to change the engine oil and filter after 10,000 miles!
"There are no oil slicks observed," said authorities. No impact was caused to operations in the Port of Singapore, nor was ...
Every day in oil and gas fields, companies lose gas to leaks and other issues—product they make no money from while venting a ...