A hui with 40 iwi groups today is so Māori land owners get an early notice of what the Crown is proposing to do, Jones says.
The land of the Maori and “The Lord of the Rings” is ... Saint Clair Family Estate (saintclair.co.nz), the largest family-owned winery in the region. The wines and cuisine here are exceptional ...
Wall St. Insights Foreign entities currently own 1.4% of all U.S. land area Close to half of all foreign-owned land is ...
The Prairie Land Potawatomi Nation has reclaimed land in Illinois that was promised to the tribe’s leader 175 years ago but stolen by the federal government 20 years later ...
For the Akit tribe of Bengkalis and Pelalawan districts in Riau province, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, land is more ...
JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO @STARADVERTISER.COM / FEB. 6 The state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands broke ground in July 2023 on infrastructure for 127 homestead lots in the II-C increment of the Ka ...
US and Russian negotiators met in Saudi Arabia on Monday for talks on a Black Sea ceasefire that Washington hopes will ultimately bring an end to President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine ...
Planned changes to the Resource Management Act could affect Māori land rights in future raupatu settlements. Infrastructure ...
The Electoral Commission has announced potential boundary changes affecting Māori seats and Māori-populated areas.
The discovery of a waka buried on the coastline of Rēkohu - Chatham Islands has caused a century-old tension to resurface.
Today, the 19th of June 2022 marks 109 years since the enactment of the Natives Land Act No 27 of 1913. This piece of legislation was the legal consolidation of the dispossession of African people's ...
His comments come against claims that whites owned 87% of South Africa's land and that little progress has been made in changing this picture. However some basic arithmetic reveals that a far greater ...