The codec is a key tool in the Metal Gear Solid series, allowing players to receive tips and immerse themselves in the game world. The cardboard box is more than just a hiding spot - it's a gag ...
IF YOU'RE IN need of some reliable outdoor gear to get you through the harshness of winter, let us sound the alarm that Patagonia has just refreshed its Web Specials section. The iconic brand ...
A versatile camera is important, but it’s only the start of a travel photography kit. Investing in the best camera gear—from tripods to backpacks—is essential for capturing great content on ...
Michael McWhertor is a journalist with more than 17 years of experience covering video games, technology, movies, TV, and entertainment. Snake vs. Monkey pits Naked Snake against the runaway apes ...
Rahul Majumdar is a contributing entertainment reporter based in Mumbai, India. His focus is reporting on video games, film, and TV. He has extensive knowledge of India's games and film industries ...
Hair metal — that dreaded colloquialism for the commercial, party-hearty hard rock that dominated the airwaves in the '80s — is known for its hotshot guitar players and over-the-top showmanship.
The specter of rising food prices is back. The cost of groceries in the U.S. increased 1.8% from a year earlier in December, rising at the fastest pace in more than a year, according to Labor ...
Stock market news: According to experts, Indian metal stocks are on a strong rally, driven by the RBI’s 25-bps rate cut on Friday, which has boosted investor confidence.(Photo: iStock) Despite ...
Perhaps the biggest counterargument against this belief, though, is that Metal Gear Solid 3 has been a known quantity for over 20 years. As such, releasing Funko Pops based on a game this old ...
Tempest Rising may not be a name you’re immediately familiar with, but if you keep with with RTS news even a little bit, you’ve likely seen some of its impressive gameplay many times over the ...
As soon as I fired up the Tempest Rising demo for the first time, I had a good feeling. Watching the opening cinematic, which set the tone with cheesy dialogue from bulky armored soldiers and a ...