DEAR ABBY: My husband puts everyone first before me. An example: We were invited to his aunt Diana’s 50th wedding anniversary ...
Am I selfish not to want him to stay in my home if he wants to visit his doctors again? I don’t want to jeopardize our ...
Dear Eric: My brother and I were estranged for many years at his insistence. We were able to reconcile after our father’s death when I gave him a larger portion of the estate than my father had willed ...
Dear Sibling: It’s not selfish; it’s healthy. I worry that your brother takes your help for granted — to wit, you gave him more than you needed to after your father’s death and he spent it all. It’s ...
Dear Eric: My brother and I were estranged for many years at his insistence. We were able to reconcile after our father’s ...
Dear Eric: My brother and I were estranged for many years at his insistence. We were able to reconcile after our father’s death when I gave him a larger portion of the estate than my father had willed ...
Dear Conflicted Sibling: It’s not selfish; it’s healthy. I worry that your brother takes your help for granted—to wit, you ...
Dear Eric: My brother and I were estranged for many years at his insistence. We were able to reconcile after our father’s death when I gave him a larger portion of the estate than my father had willed ...
The unpleasant duty of asking them to please stop commenting on your country of origin, your hair and your choice of food should fall on your partner, whose duty it is not only to do so tactfully, but ...
My partner's parents have feedback and comments about absolutely everything. And then there are the constant jokes about my ...
They make comments on how and when their daughter-in-law showers and how long her hair is as well as little jokes about her ...
The unpleasant duty of asking them to please stop commenting on your country of origin, your hair and your choice of food ...