But as with all T-shirts — black, white ... I’ve tried on even more long-sleeved tees, from J.Crew, Old Navy, and Gap, among other brands. My hunt for the best one led me to Everlane ...
If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. In a well-rounded fashion diet, T-shirts are a lot like protein: You need them to grow big and stylish. Outfits looking wimpy?
Long-sleeved T-shirts are an underrated wardrobe staple ... wardrobe staple that looks good with almost anything: his navy pants, Levi’s 501s, or even five-inch Patagonia Baggies in the summer.
Learn more As the spring season nears, T-shirts are essential to building a well-rounded wardrobe. They're a classic top on their own, but they're also useful for layering looks and workouts.
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