The yearslong process to produce a map that designates every part of Oregon as low ... space or using fire-resistant building materials due to a high wildfire risk and location within the wildland ...
Please help us as we repeal the fire maps,” said Sen ... The map designates every part of Oregon as low, moderate or high risk of wildfires. The highest concentration of high risk wildfire ...
Eligible homeowners and renters can have deputy state fire marshal or fire department member point out fire risks around their homes.
Republicans in the Oregon Legislature introduced a bill Tuesday that would repeal the map ... extreme risk and is also in the wildland-urban interface, typically an area in or near a fire-prone ...
which directed the Oregon Department of Forestry to map out fire-prone areas in the state. Under SB 762, homeowners living in areas that are at a high wildfire risk face stricter building codes ...
The gesture comes as county commissioners face pressure from property owners — mostly in rural areas — to advocate against the state’s map.
Areas of Texas and New Mexico are at risk of wildfires developing over the weekend, meteorologists are warning.
The state’s wildfire maps ... risk ratings. More importantly, there is no justification for local cities to have lower risk ratings than rural residents. Almost all Central Oregon is a high ...
The new maps add 1.4 million acres of land statewide into higher fire severity categories, accompanied by stricter building and local planning code requirements for property owners. To view the ...