JAFFE (giving another forced laugh ... in Saul Bass modern letters of brushed aluminum, is the name “OTTO PREMINGER.” One elevator door opens. Preminger hurries out, his hands clasped behind ...
By Clay Risen Stanley R. Jaffe, a former Hollywood wunderkind who became president of Paramount at 29, then left after just a few years to become an Oscar-winning producer of films like “Kramer vs.
Stanley R. Jaffe, who won an Oscar as producer of “Kramer vs. Kramer” in 1980 and served in top positions at several studios, died Monday in Rancho Mirage. He was 84. Jaffe, the son of ...
Stanley R. Jaffe, the veteran producer and studio executive who won the Best Picture Oscar for “Kramer vs. Kramer,” has died at his Rancho Mirage home at the age of 84, according to his ...
By Mike Barnes Senior Editor Jaffe returned to the studio’s executive ranks two decades later when Martin Davis named him president and COO of Paramount Communications, and he took over for ...
EXCLUSIVE: Miramax has appointed former Village Roadshow, Amigos de Garcia and CBS executive Alix Jaffe as President of Television, effective March 31. She succeeds Marc Helwig who departed the ...
Stanley R. Jaffe, a former Paramount Pictures president who became the youngest studio chief in history and later won a Best Picture Oscar for producing Kramer vs. Kramer and was nominated for ...
Der Versandhändler Otto schließt deutschlandweit acht Standorte seines Kundendienstes in Deutschland. Von den Callcenter-Beschäftigten des Konzerns verliert mehr als ein Drittel den Job.
Stanley R. Jaffe, the Oscar-winning producer behind Kramer vs. Kramer and a key figure in Hollywood’s studio system, has passed away at the age of 84. Jaffe died on Monday in Rancho Mirage ...