Bill Burr’s politics are anti–conservative fascism, anti–liberal PC culture, somewhat incoherent, and fueled by anger.
Ever wished for a fresh start or longed for a change in your life? Isekai anime might just give you the ultimate escape.
Benefits have spoken to NME about the making of new album ‘Constant Noise’, the battle for principles in music, and making gigs more accessible and affordable.
"Look!” says Rob Lowe excitedly, pointing to a pod of dolphins jumping in the waves. We’re spending the morning in Lowe’s adopted hometown of Santa Barbara, California. Lowe ...
Over time, however, repeated exposure to these same sounds can trigger a neurological response similar to misophonia—where specific sounds cause disproportionate emotional reactions. This ...
Theater’s production of Yasmina Reza’s “God of Carnage,” under the astute direction of Paul Bowling, is a riveting ...
His credentials, in a field where it feels funny to have them, include studying under clown ... I acclimated to the cacophony ...
One of the hardest things about living in Australia is not being able ... workplace and being the only person from their background. Funny anecdotes like explaining to someone that actually ...
One childless man’s journey through the sci-fi start-ups, DIY donor clubs, and group masturbation retreats attempting to save ...
Sean Smith Dirty birdies don't come much dirtier than Annie Wilkes, the lonely, handy-with-a-sledgehammer psychopath whom Kathy Bates miraculously imbued with sweet humor and pathos ... affectations ...
The Detroit Free Press is reposting this oral history of the White Stripes’ formative years, originally published on April 13 ...