Almost two months ago, Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor was announced as the new face of Dior, joining the likes of BLACKPINK's Jisoo, SEVENTEEN's Mingyu, Rosalía, and more. Though there are many ...
From the timeless elegance of J’adore to the bold sensuality of Poison, Dior’s extensive fragrance portfolio represents over 75 years of masterful perfumery. For those looking to invest in a ...
Actress Khushi Kapoor recently attended the Arts Café event, looking stylish in a short purple dress. The artistic face plates add a quirky backdrop In a candid pose she is seen adjusting the ...
An armed man believed to have worked as a security guard at the Dior Boutique in San Francisco’s Union Square was shot and killed by police early Friday morning after allegedly being responsible ...
DENVER (KDVR) — A poison pellet that appears to have been legally dispensed was eaten by a dog while walking through the Tapestry Hills neighborhood, leading to an investigation. According to ...
You could stop breathing,” said John Downs, Medical Toxicologist and Director of Virginia Poison Control at Virginia Commonwealth University, going down the list of reactions from taking Tianeptine.
Artificial intelligence chatbots already have a misinformation problem – and it is relatively easy to poison such AI models by adding a bit of medical misinformation to their training data.
A woman has been charged with the attempted murder of an Aussie exchange student after he was allegedly given rat poison while studying in Taiwan. Alex Shorey, 23, was medically evacuated back to ...
TikTok on Tuesday labeled as "pure fiction" a report that China is exploring a potential sale of the video-sharing platform's US operations to billionaire Elon Musk as the firm faces an American ...
A flooding problem that’s inflating the price tag of San Diego’s Pure Water recycling system by many millions is also creating another problem that’s frustrating people from Mission Valley ...
A SECOND family murder probe has hit Brazil just a week after rat poison laced into a New Year's meal killed three members of the same family and left six others in hospital. The rat poison rice ...