Vincent Van Dyke Effects makes prosthetics and body duplications. Among them are these uncannily realistic babies. They're made using silicone molds. 2.) Carole A. Feuerman is renowned for her ...
In a workshop outside Paris, Celine Lallement stitched hairs into a silicone baby's skull -- the latest creation from a studio specialised in making ultra-realistic infants for the film and TV ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Russian artist Michael Zajkov makes freakishly realistic dolls and documents the process on his Instagram. He hand-makes the dolls and clothing. Though not for sale ...
Newcastle Crown Court has heard how a man who turned up at a train station to meet what he believed an underage girl had framed photographs of children and a realistic baby doll in his home. News ...
Celine Lallement stitched hairs into a silicone baby’s skull — the latest creation from a studio specialised in making ultra-realistic infants for the film and TV industries. Founded in 2008 ...