What comes to your mind when you imagine a river? A stream of water flowing through landscapes? While that's partly true, ...
To fix the problem, the district has spent more than $6 million in the past few years on a project to soften the grade of the ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has uncharacteristically been working with nature instead of bulldozing it into submission.
Lake County Water Resources Department provided an update on effort to improve water quality, flow circulation and ability to ...
In fact, for the river to function properly and for the ... they are to fulfill their ecological function, they need to move water, sediments, nutrients and living beings. But it is the dams ...
The River Tyne Restoration Facility to be built in Walker will hold up to 250,000 tonnes of sediment contaminated by mine ...
Multi-million pound plans to clean up the River Tyne and safeguard thousands of jobs along its banks have taken a major step ...
and eventually Lake Pepin on the Mississippi River. Hilgendorf said that will take a long time, maybe even a century. “So all that sediment is working like a slug of sediment moving downstream, and ...
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
17 out of 24 sub-drainages with results reported to date show anomalous results for lithium (range 20-191 ppm) and pathfinder ...
Last October's massive storm toppled trees, eroded creek banks, deposited massive amounts of sediments and washed out trails ...
how much sediment is moving around and how it is affecting biological populations that rely on the delta?" Dashtgard adds, "The Fraser River and Delta are vital habitat for multiple ecosystems and ...