Democrats last week launched a coordinated effort to host "People’s Town Halls" in all 50 states after disruptive protests ...
Oregonians have been packing Congressional town halls in numbers not seen since Donald Trump's first term as president.
Two local progressive groups organized “empty chair” town halls to be held later this week in the districts of Rep. Jared ...
More than 1000 people — shoulder-to-shoulder in bleachers, on the ground and on folding chairs — jammed the Clackamas ...
Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Janelle Bynum took questions from concerned constituents at a town hall in Oregon City on Sunday.
Between his two Central Oregon town halls Tuesday, Senator Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, joined Lynsey Harris live on KTVZ News at ...
Said one: "I want you to know that I’m also so pissed off right now at the leadership in the United States Senate." ...