5-2 vote sends a clear message that the city won't reward landlords for keeping affordable housing off the market.
Will even one mayoral appointed Planning Commission member stand up to a big (and troubled) landlord on a project that has no ...
The non-profit group that runs a controversial Vancouver SRO is defending itself, after business owners say conditions have rapidly deteriorated in the area.
The once-notorious London Hotel in Chinatown is about to enter a new phase as a “Road To Recovery” treatment facility. The ...
A man was shot and killed outside the hotel in July, 2021, the culmination of a period when the controversial social housing agency Atira ran an SRO facility in the hotel. The building had been ...
She currently oversees CNET Money's housing market coverage. Before becoming an editor with CNET, she worked as an English teacher, Spanish medical interpreter, copy editor and proofreader.
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones were looking for a... The US Housing Market Has Slipped Into Worrying Territory By Alexander Kuptsikevich - Aug 19, 2024 2 Economic data from the US in recent ...
In the 12 months prior, house prices decreased by 2.7%. There is a gap of £103,208 between the average price paid by first-time buyers and those who are already on the housing ladder in Great Britain ...