5-2 vote sends a clear message that the city won't reward landlords for keeping affordable housing off the market.
Will even one mayoral appointed Planning Commission member stand up to a big (and troubled) landlord on a project that has no ...
Members of the local business community said they are hopeful the new tenants will be a good fit for the neighbourhood.
The non-profit group that runs a controversial Vancouver SRO is defending itself, after business owners say conditions have rapidly deteriorated in the area.
But of the roughly 6,500 SRO rooms, nearly half are privately owned, do not fall under the definition of supportive housing, and are outside the city’s jurisdiction. Even if we had a ...
Court challenges to self-regulatory organizations may have the potential to trigger a financial crisis, a law professor warns ...
This would retroactively apply to all private housing restrictions, meaning restrictions made previous ... to develop single-room occupancy units (SRO), adding another affordable housing option ...
Many of our SRO buildings are in deep disrepair ... The temporary pause contained in this motion does not mean that supportive housing doesn't work. It does work, but we can do better.
She said the association she leads has long advocated for a regional approach to homelessness, but that push should not mean Vancouver ... housing, including our extensive SRO stock, is aging ...
In some midcentury buildings, floor plates can be as deep as 60 feet, meaning that sunlight in these ... For others, the tough reality is that making housing out of office stock is a lot like ...
A majority of Vancouver councillors have voted in favour of Mayor Ken Sim's motion to freeze the construction of net-new supportive housing in the city. Despite fierce opposition by nearly 100 ...