West Ada in 2022 adopted a policy requiring that displays in classrooms be “content neutral” to better align with Idaho law, ...
An Idaho school has asked a teacher to remove a poster that says 'Everyone is Welcome Here" because they deem it "political." ...
Sarah Inama said she was told by administrators that her signs “don’t allow people to express differing opinions.” ...
"I went back into my classroom and put it back up. And I emailed my principal and said I just, 'I don't agree. I don't agree ...
An Idaho school district took issue with two inclusive signs up in her classroom. According to KTVB, a middle school teacher ...
A middle-school teacher was told that the sign, with an array of hands with different skin tones, violated the district’s ...
Everyone is welcome here, or not everyone is welcome here,” argues Sarah Inama, a sixth-grade history teacher.
The West Ada School Board of Trustees is considering telling the superintendent to post new ‘everyone is welcome’ signage at ...
A district official reportedly told middle school teacher Sarah Inama that in this political climate, her welcoming message ...
An Idaho school system ordered one of its teachers to remove a pair of “Everyone is welcome” posters hanging in her classroom over concerns they would “inadvertently” flame division, according to ...