Scientists from South Korea have conducted simulations regarding the potential impact of asteroid Bennu on Earth in the year ...
An international team of researchers has shown that countless tiny ice quakes take place in one of Greenland's mightiest ice streams. This finding will allow the flowing of the ice sheet and ...
Water is ubiquitous and seemingly ordinary, possessing no distinct color or odor. Though we often take water for granted, it is by no means a simple substance. As a consequence of its chemical ...
Physicists have long tried to model the chaotic phenomenon of turbulence. Now, a team has pioneered a new quantum ...
A new climate modeling study published in the journal Science Advances by researchers from the IBS Center for Climate Physics ...
A research group has developed SPACIER, an advanced polymer material design tool that integrates machine learning with ...
Researchers were able to recreate the running form of the famous hominin. Spoiler: she’s not winning any marathons.
Crummey was honored in January with a Secretary of Energy Achievement Award as a member of the leadership team of the Department of Energy’s seven-year, $1.8 billion Exascale Computing Project.
The study uncovers the invar effect, enabling the creation of a pyrochlore magnet with unprecedented thermal expansion ...
The Chinese Navy has allegedly completed a war game pitting a Type 055 destroyer against eight Arleigh-Burke opponents.
To improve data storage, researchers are perfecting 3D NAND flash memory, which stacks cells to maximize space. Researchers ...