Learning to be imaginative takes practice, says this cognitive scientist. Here are a few things you can do to improve your ...
Nevada's desert landscape is filled with life that is hidden to human eyes. But when conditions are just right, typically ...
Low-cost, DIY air purifiers are proving to be just as effective as expensive commercial units at protecting indoor spaces ...
Scientists have shown that one portion of the petunia’s genetic code can direct the creation of molecules behind the plant’s ...
Windstorms can seem like they come out of nowhere, hitting with a sudden blast. They might be hundreds of miles long, ...
If you exist on planet Earth, you know that as the guitar loop from Sabrina Carpenter’s “Espresso,” which is an inescapable ...
Interior Department employees say they have been scrambling to keep the lights on and do their jobs as budget cuts driven by ...
Lucas, who earned a bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degree with an animation and interactive media concentration from UMass ...
Chris Nowotarski receives funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National ... gradients ultimately owe their existence to the simple fact that the Earth is round and rotates.
Is immortality achievable? With longevity science booming, you might make it to age 150. We separate the hype from proven ...
The antiaging movement has raced ahead amid fierce debates over even its earliest theories. Critics of a grandfather of the ...
Using light traps, scientists at the MaST Center Aquarium ... The light mimics moonlight, drawing in the larvae, while a funnel prevents larger creatures from entering the trap.