The Nicobar Islands are a biodiversity hotspot, home to unique species found nowhere else. Long isolated, these islands have ...
“For nearly 250 years, we called the bald eagle the national bird when it wasn’t,” said Jack Davis, co-chair of the National ...
"We understand the concerns of crofters and farmers, particularly with growing sea eagle populations and we are keen to try to find a way to balance the conservation of this protected species with ...
The findings give biologists a better idea of how young turtles use the Gulf of Mexico, a critical region for four species of ...
A report by the Rare Breeding Birds Panel in November recorded five species of colonising or reintroduced birds at record levels in 2022 in Britain, among them the sea eagle. After failed attempts ...
An adult sea eagle eating a lamb on another farm in the ... to "find a way to balance the conservation of this protected species" with farming interests. There have been funding schemes in place ...
Sea eagles, which have a wingspan of up to ... our project was to gather evidence of the past distribution of both eagle species (golden eagles and white-tailed eagles) to prove they were once ...
Sitting at the edge of the nest, the young Osprey is calling out in a begging call, trying to be fed. His high-pitched screams echo across the lake and, unfortunately go unanswered. His parents ...
The birds have avoided the endangered species list since 2007. The Latin name “Haliaeetus leucocephalus” means “white-headed sea eagle.” The word bald refers to an old English word meaning ...
The sea eagle, the UK's largest bird of prey ... our project was to gather evidence of the past distribution of both eagle species (golden eagles and white-tailed eagles) to prove they were ...