A transplant from Arizona, Lillian Anderson will spend her 100th birthday at Homestead of Augusta here in Butler County on ...
There's not an overload of video footage of Wilmington from the '80s and '90s, but several films document what various parts of town looked like then.
Sue worked for Carroll Reed Ski Shop in North Conway ... she decided to move south and found Southport, NC to be her favorite town. She moved there permanently in 2014 and became a member of ...
Li’l Friday features more than a dozen ways to enjoy the weekend via theater, music, art, culinary happenings and more. All ...
House Bill 337 and House Bill 338 were both filed by Representative Charlie Miller (R). The bills would deannex three parcels ...
After the board of aldermen supported the bill last week, it now heads to the house for approval. If it's passed, citizens ...
Visitors will have the opportunity to interact with a professional seamstress who will draft a gown in a day and learn about ...
SOUTHPORT, N.C. (WECT) - A lane shift has caused delays along one Southport road, according to the Southport Police ...
Fantastic trails, charming shops, and a revamped historic lodge await in this jewel of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
The North Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association has released a statement in response to the recently passed food tax ...