It could be that keeping a diary — “keep” being the operative word — is how we stay true to ourselves, even the embarrassing ...
Zara Chowdhary’s memoir is account of known and unknown stories of the Gujarat riots, each piercing just as deep as when you ...
Following its premiere at SXSW, the film currently sits at an impressive 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, an almost perfect score.
A good movie is like a theme park ride. Consider Walt Disney’s classic Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean: for all ...
Before Alligator ultimately gets to its rampage scenes, more on that later, the film then shifts gears to following Detective David Madison. Like many other worn-down cinematic police detectives he’s ...
Peter Beinart is not the first person to accuse Jews of genocide in the Purim story. It is a staple of antisemites. Beinart’s perversion is to make this accusation while posing as a committed Jew.
Clown In A Cornfield' is 'Scream' for the digital era: a dark horror comedy unafraid of slaughtering its darlings.
As Western New York's weather begins to more accurately resemble the onset of spring, I find myself debating who had the ...
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster is a solid package that does the only thing it needed to: makes these wonderful JRPGs easy to own ...
She loved Loon Lake more than I imagine any of us will ever love a space we are in. I could see it in her eyes when she ...
A day may come when we no longer remember what we were yelling, what we were wearing or eating, what was troubling us and who ...
The unprecedented revelation of an accounting fluff by the fifth biggest private bank in the country is not a routine ...