The Nanophone can be used as an emergency backup phone in your glove compartment, as a safety line when you’re out on a run, ...
Calls on the government to ban smartphones for under-16s are renewed afresh. Discussion revolves around how phones are ...
If smartphones are banned in New York public schools, and they should be, the ban should be bell-to-bell. Which is to say, no ...
Should you get your kids a simple voice phone or a more capable smartphone? What about parental controls? Here's what you need to know along with our top-tested picks for children of all ages ...
While some people like the idea of a school cell phone ban, others see the benefits of letting students have some access to ...
You can’t escape technology, and neither can your child. It’s everywhere. Of course, you want to keep your child as safe as ...
Calls to put age restrictions on smartphones by those who believe they are harmful to children has led to a rise in interest in 'dumb' phones – basic handsets that allow kids to contact you in ...
Parents are finding the Apple Watch more appropriate for kids wanting smartphones. The Apple Watch gives kids a way to stay in touch with parents, share location, and build responsibility without ...
The Wait Until 8th campaign, which advocates only giving kids smartphones once they reach the 8th grade, makes some good arguments. However, it too easily conflates smartphones and social media ...