What do you call a priest that becomes a lawyer ... A lamb chop. Why did the snowman buy a bag of carrots? He wanted to pick his nose. What did the Dalmatian say after dinner?
“The Monk runs deep,” Bird would say, and with some reluctance Monk became “the High Priest of Bebop ... that sounded as if the Abominable Snowman had been caged by Blue Note Records.
New film coming to BBC Northern Ireland tells the incredible story of three Parish Priests who burst on to the music scene The Priests perform for the final time in the Ulster Hall, Belfast (Image ...
A former priest with a child molestation conviction who was stripped of his American citizenship has been sentenced to a year in prison, authorities said Thursday. Antonio Velez-Lopez, a 69-year ...
Father Marcelino de Andrés Núñez, a priest of the Legionaries of Christ and former secretary of Marcial Maciel, was arrested in Spain and released subject to restrictions, accused of abusing ...
If I were 14 years old again and if at that age I had to make a decision, I would be a priest again, I would choose the Lord as my only inheritance...' “Lord, give me the grace to be faithful to ...
Attorneys for six transgender active-duty service members and two others seeking to join the military requested the ...
Two women who witnessed the murder of Father Donald Martin Ye Naing Win in Myanmar last week recounted how the priest “fearlessly confronted” the armed men who took his life. In a statement to ...
WHILE many good and dedicated bishops and priests in the Philippines and elsewhere are examining their conscience about their responsibility to bring pedophile clergymen to justice, many more are not.